Native app with access to all information - even without network access
The Microbizz app serves as your extended arm for your field team. It provides them with all the necessary information for task execution, from customer details to files, deadlines, and time tracking, just to name a few.
With the app, you can easily log your working hours for tasks or equipment, whether it's done manually or automatically through the check-in and check-out feature.
You can access all customer data here, including address, phone number, contacts, and more, as well as activities, history, documents, and notes.
You can discover notes on tasks or equipment and record notes that your colleagues can instantly view as well.
You can also access all equipment-related data through the app, including equipment descriptions, equipment history, certificates, and more.
In the app, you have the ability to complete forms for tasks and equipment. You can add a signature, and the forms can generate on-site documents, such as certificates.
You also have access to valuable information about your contacts, including their contact details and activity history.
You can easily manage and access all the necessary details about your tasks to stay organized and efficient.
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This is why
There is no doubt that our bottom line has more than doubled since we embraced the digital world. Kuno Nygaard - KN Roofing
Procesoptimering med Microbizz
Med Microbizz kan du digitalisere og optimere processer inden for en lang række områder.
Microbizz kan optimere arbejdsprocesser inden for planlægning og udførelse af opgaver.
Brugere og teams
Brug Microbizz til at håndtere arbejdsplaner, arbejdssedler, geografiske lokationer mm
Skemaer, foto-dokumentation, kvalitetsprocesser, certifikater mm
Lønbehandling og fakturering, herunder tids- og vareforbrug, fravær, udlæg mm
Rapportering og BI
Realtids data og rapportering, data analyse, integration med BI-værktøjer
Personale-kompetencer, godkendelser, certificeringer mm.
Salgsplanlægning, budgettering, mødeplanlægning, rapportering
Kunder og partnere
Kommunikation med kunder og partnere 24/7 via Ekstranet-modulet